What a gift it is that you have opened your home to your parent or loved one. It’s a blessing to be able to spend those last years together, and most parents appreciate the love that you are showing by caring for them.
Many times, we have the best intentions of being the sole caregiver, but find that we may need home care assistance for parents for reasons such as:
- Burden on work or family – perhaps you have had to miss work, or your own children have suffered from the demands that you now have
- Physically difficult – perhaps your parent has become less independent, and requires Elder Home Care assistance with bathing, toileting, mobility, or other areas that may require lifting and physical stress
- Emotional strain – you may be worried about your parent falling when you are not there, or you may just need breaks to emotionally recuperate from this challenging new role
Let’s face it, we want to love our parents with our whole hearts, rather than becoming resentful or drained by the situation. Asking for help is not showing weakness – in fact, it will benefit all parties involved. Most parents do not want to feel like a burden, and despite having initially hesitations about Elder Home Care assistance, they may welcome the idea of having a professional assist them with their needs. Our caring, experienced and trained Dallas senior home care assistance providers will provide support and encouragement to your loved one, giving you the peace of mind to focus on your other responsibilities.
We can design a plan for you for just 4 hours a week, up to daily care, and even 24-Hour Home Care. Do you have an idea of the items you would like help with? We can help you create a job description for your caregiver.