Make Happiness Happen!

Make Happiness Happen!

How does one make happiness happen? One of my fellow coaches, Beverly, has a plaque that reads: ‘We don’t remember days; we only remember moments.’ That is true for all of us. We remember the joy of seeing our firstborn for the first time. We remember a moment on a...
Letting Go And Letting Do

Letting Go And Letting Do

I recently spoke to a group of caregivers both family and professional on the topic of “Letting Go and Letting Do.” My aim was to help caregivers see the value of empowering the person(s) with whom they are working instead of doing everything for them. This is...
Dementia or Delirium?

Dementia or Delirium?

In caring for the elder population, I see many patients with forms of dementia. Often, they are admittedto the hospital generally because of negative behavior that is atypical and often frightening to thefamily, or for evaluation to determine the cause of a troubling...
When is Home Health Care Not Enough?

When is Home Health Care Not Enough?

Having a Dallas home health care provider for your parent is very helpful for setting up a therapy routine, medication management, and wound care, however, it doesn’t necessarily take into account day-to-day activities that your parent will encounter. When you...
Why In-Home Versus a Facility?

Why In-Home Versus a Facility?

When you consider long term care options for seniors, there is a big difference for your loved one. We are strong advocates of in-home elderly care assistance in Dallas and Fort Worth because: Seniors want to be home: According to the AARP, 89% of people ages 50+...