by Lindsay Rose | Oct 19, 2023 | Tips for Healthy Living
Caregiving is a selfless act of love and devotion, but it’s not without its challenges. Many caregivers find themselves navigating a rollercoaster of emotions, often neglecting their own well-being in the process. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of...
by Lindsay Rose | Jul 6, 2021 | Tips for Healthy Living
Dehydration happens when your body loses more fluids than it takes in. Our bodies need water for a variety of processes, including regulating your temperature, getting rid of wastes, and lubricating your joints. The general consensus is that an older adult’s...
by Lindsay Rose | Mar 2, 2021 | Common Questions
How does one make happiness happen? One of my fellow coaches, Beverly, has a plaque that reads: ‘We don’t remember days; we only remember moments.’ That is true for all of us. We remember the joy of seeing our firstborn for the first time. We remember a moment on a...
by Lindsay Rose | Mar 2, 2021 | Common Questions
I recently spoke to a group of caregivers both family and professional on the topic of “Letting Go and Letting Do.” My aim was to help caregivers see the value of empowering the person(s) with whom they are working instead of doing everything for them. This is...
by Lindsay Rose | Jan 25, 2021 | Common Questions
In caring for the elder population, I see many patients with forms of dementia. Often, they are admittedto the hospital generally because of negative behavior that is atypical and often frightening to thefamily, or for evaluation to determine the cause of a troubling...